Coaching & Healing

Individual sessions with Stephanie begin with a connection to source energy. Together, we identify your unique needs and intentions and agree on the most potent experience for you on that day.

Every session integrates emotions, beliefs, and energy to ensure a holistic experience. Every session has email coaching follow-up to support you as you integrate the new beliefs & energy. Know that your experience will be unique to you--every time.

Not sure where to start?
Book a free 20-minute call and we'll explore possibilities

My Approach To Coaching

Monthly Success Coaching

Monthly Success Coaching allows you to get clear and focused on your "success" and your steps to get there. In our work together, we identify and release unsupportive thoughts, emotions, and energy that tends to slow down and affect our progress. We create a solid action plan to implement and will experience a sequence of follow-ups in the month to ensure accountability and your success!

Many clients choose 3 months/90 days of coaching to accelerate their success.

8 week
Release Your Past
Free Your Future


The 8-week Release Your Past coaching program allows you to address and heal past experiences that are limiting your life today. You are guided to rewrite your story from a place of support and empowerment and release energetic entanglements associated with past generations. You step forward from each session with elevated emotions, beliefs, and energy.

Through 8 weeks of individual coaching & energy sessions, you develop a deep understanding of who you are and what you are meant to do in this world.

Energy Reset

Return your energy to a state of flow by releasing, balancing, and aligning 8 power centers in the body. Your healer is intuitively guided to provide the most potent healing available to you.

Energy Breakthrough

Break through emotional, mental and energetic patterns you carry in your gene impressions from past generations.  This healing releases and resets your physical, mental, emotional, and energetic body to live live with presence and flow.


Sometimes we are stressed and overwhelmed and are unsure how to move forward. The EMBARK 90 minute session takes a bird’s-eye view of your current situation and aims to sort out what’s depleted, focusing on blocks that need to be cleared to feel better and forge a path toward change. You will leave this session with a better understanding of yourself and emerge feeling lighter, clearer, and stronger.


The ENGAGE 3 session package includes the work in the EMBARK session and is perfect for individuals working toward a specific goal. Stephanie works with you to engage and align your thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and energy to achieve your desired outcome. After the third session you will be “in motion,” with the practical strategies that enable you to achieve your goal.


The EMPOWER 6 session package encompasses and expands on all of the work in the ENGAGE package and is best for those who are seeking total transformation in multiple areas of their lives. These integrated sessions are aimed at implanting a new way of being and thinking that will reveal new possibilities and will leave you feeling confident that you have the freedom to realize the life you’ve been dreaming about. You learn to elevate above the fear and self-doubt that may have been holding you back. After six sessions you will be empowered to live the life of your dreams with love and joy.

Group Offerings

Energizing Transitions Program

This is Positive Change Acceleration’s 12-week online program with group mentoring support. This group mentoring program provides valuable guidance and supports women who are experiencing change and transition in their lives. Every week, there is a focused topic on how to accelerate and master different aspects of your life transitions. The program includes self-directed lessons and exercises, as well as weekly group mentoring on-line sessions to integrate the learning experience. Mentoring is great accompaniment to self-directed learning—it allows participants to receive insights about “real” situations they face in their day-to-day world. Enroll in the program today and achieve next-level results.

For Companies & Teams

Need an inspirational speaker or meaningful learning experience for your upcoming company meeting, team off-site, or employee gathering? We collaborate with organizations and teams to design impactful learning aligned to your company’s mission and values.

Positive Change Acceleration brings proven success in helping organizational teams thrive and accelerate through change. Stephanie’s vast experience in leading transformation and change across major organizations allows her to facilitate leading teams toward breakthrough innovations in the areas of product development, digital transformation, organizational agility, and more.

Our approach to supporting both the team unit as a whole as well as each person individually is based on neuroscience and modern change practices. Our energy and coaching process accelerates organizational breakthroughs well beyond traditional agile and teaming methods.

"I first worked with Stephanie when she was a client in our programs, and I was so impressed with her that I hired her to coach our clients!

I have found her to be compassionate, professional, and a huge asset to our team. I would highly recommend her!"

Marcia Bench

CEO, Transformational Thought Leaders International

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Positive Change Acceleration

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