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The first step to unlocking your power is to know yourself. The more self-aware you become, the more authentically you'll be able to live your life.

The techniques and strategies in this level allow you to update your self-concept, move towards greater self-acceptance. and create the life you desire.

You will be happier with yourself and move further along the path to realizing your true power and potential.

At the end of this level you will be ready to show the world who you really are!


In Level 1 you've already discovered your unique traits, talents, skills, values and passions. Now, you are ready to embrace your individuality and start planning your goals and future according to what you desire - not what someone else wants for you!

The techniques and strategies in level 2 help you realize and recognize your own value in this world, find your purpose, and reclaim your life.

You will create a vision of your exciting future and discover how to love all of you - inside and out!

note - Level 1 must be completed first

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